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To summarize the concept of made by Frederick Jameson: it’s much easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism. 
Although the economy is omnipresent in our daily lives, its is often regarded a boring, uninteresting and too complicated. People are not aware of the economic realities happen to them, and being dominated by the formality of it.


Ecotopia presents a fictional economic reality. Ecotopia sets the time in a pragmatic future with two main world rules that are different from the world we occupy.
In this world, a truly sustainable economy is functioning within the limits of our natural capital.

Ecotopia disciplined the usage of natural resources at average
bio-capacity. Therefore, there is a fixed amount of bio-capacity everyone has according to the planet each year, a parallel bio-credit system limiting resource usage for each individual.


Copyright © 2020
Tung Han Wu

Bio-Marketplace / Capacity self-check machine 


In the secario, Bio-economy has made our basic human right of acquiring material resources as a new luxury.

Now, People get access to the trading platform in various forms, digitally and physically. It is now enabled and run by an algorithm to monitor its health strictly and avoid speculation. Observed from people’s daily routine as a consumer, self-checkout machines was repurposed as a entry-point to the scenario Physical marketplace now provide self-checkout machines, allowing customers to purchase more bio-capacity via the trading platform. Unlike current commodity market, often manipulated by the rich. Capacity trading deal with the fruits of bio-capacity- end products.